Saturday, November 1, 2008


Communication ?

Communication is unavoidable .. "One cannot not communication" .. Facial expression, posture, gesture, clothing, and a host of other behaviors oofer cues about our attitudes ..

Communication operates on two levels .. Everytime two or more people communicate, they exchange two kinds of messages .. 

Communication is not a Panacea .. Although communication can smooth out the bumps and straighten the road to success, it won't always get you what you want. Misunderstandings and ill feelings can increase when people communicate badly ..

So, what mean communication ?


Alexander Khoo said...

a bridge that connects one's heart to another .

KhaMun.C said...

eh, 'sweet sweet' wakakakakakaa...

ng boon kwang said...

aduh alamak..... u took de communication definition from verbal communication?